One-of-a-kind invitation card designs

Wedding invitation design for Jo and PK (2016). I am so honored they chose me to translate their ideas into this design. It is this I love the most in my work - collaborating to create something beautiful and meaningful for someone.

Earlier in the year I designed this Save The Date for Josephine and Peter's gorgeous wedding in Kenya (2016). I started off imagining this to be an announcement of the journey these two are on now - hence the circle representing the material and spiritual world they will explore together. I worked with the bride and groom to incorporate traditional Swahili motifs into the design. The simple white dhow "cut" out of the pattern is my favorite part of this project.

Invitation card for Suchitra Naidu's and Darshan Wagh's beautiful Maharashtrian wedding in Pune (2013). Suchi wanted a simple single leaf wedding card with Mehndi-like motifs and gave me full artistic license for the design. The maroon / pink / white color combination was the bride's own artistic sensibility in motion.

One year old Avyan responds to the age old nursery rhyme "twinkle twinkle little star" - like a charm! Sing the ditty, and he will leave everything he is doing and smile at you. I am not even kidding. Thus his first birthday theme was a no-brainer really. This invite formed the first part of a personalized, hand-made birthday party!

Invitation card package for Preetika Walia's and Abhishek Sharma's Sikh and Hindu summer nuptials in San Jose (2013). The bride was really involved throughout the inception and execution of the design. We did three inserts (invitation / map / RSVP postcard) tied by twine with a handwritten message in a kraft paper envelope with custom stamps. Shout out to DH Parag Pathe for immense help with the map!

I had lots of fun designing and making this "Little Penguin" themed invitation - and subsequent party decor. Added some sunshine (read yellow!) to the gray and white of New York winters... and how perfect it is for a Winter baby!

Invitation card for Aishwarya Kuchipudi's and Rushyal's nuptials in Hyderabad (2014). It is always wonderful to have a completely free hand in designing, and Aishwarya made sure that I had so. She loves paisleys, so that of course got incorporated, and a Lord Ganesh motif is a must in most Indian wedding invites. The rest of the design fell in place around these two guidelines. The result made both the bride and me very happy!

Invitation card for baby Dheer's first birthday celebrated in Irvine, CA. (2014) Mommie Rashmi Tilloo wanted a simple handmade card reflecting the red, black and white theme of the planned party.

Baby Shower Invitation for Shwetali Jakate.

Watercolor and ink on paper. So much fun making this Hawaiian-themed fundraiser invite for my Team 39ers!